Here they are... the characters...........
Valrune Biancanne Akane Cheshire Rory Jylland Misha Koh-Suri x
Valrune Biancanne

Special Classes: Druid, Assassin
Age: 67
DOB: 32nd Sun of the 1st Astral Moon (January 31)
Race: Rava Viera
Gender: Cis Woman (she/her)
Hails From: Golmore Jungle
Valrune (Val to her friends) hates lots of things, probably including you. She travelled to Eorzea to look for her missing wife, and somehow got caught up in a wild adventure spanning worlds. This has only given her more things, and people, to hate.
Akane Cheshire

Special Class: Priestess
Age: 25
DOB: 10th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon (July 10)
Race: Raen Au Ra
Gender: Cis Woman (she/her)
Hails From: Sui-No-Sato
Confident and kind, Akane wants nothing more than to help others. Some say she's gullible, but that can't be true... if someone asks for help, why wouldn't she say yes?
Rory Jylland

Special Class: Heritor
Age: 32
DOB: 21st Sun of the 6th Astral Moon (November 20)
Race: Cannol Gria
Gender: Trans Woman (she/her)
Hails From: The Seventh Shard
Aware of their impending doom, nations of the Seventh sent out a traveller to move through space and time to try and stop it. Kamari did not succeed, but she did get very, very lost.
Misha Koh-Suri

Special Classes: Elementalist, Hunter
Age: mid-20s
DOB: 3rd Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon (March 3)
Race: Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon
Gender: Cis Man (he/him)
Hails From: The Black Shroud
It is safer to be alone. Made into an artificial Padjal by the Garleans, Misha lost his past and future before the Seventh Umbral Calamity even began. Now he clings to his quest for revenge, no matter the cost to himself.