You can call me Mocaw or Val! I love video games, especially Final Fantasy, and extra especially Ivalice. I hope you enjoy reading my endless ramblings about my OCs. Nothing delights me in this world more than making up far too much backstory for every character I create, and my dear friend Whiona inspired me to put all these together instead of having 500 Carrds. I still love you, Carrd, don't worry...
If you see me in game, please feel free to say hi! I am a very friendly person and I can gush about my characters for hours. I am not cool enough to have a contact form here, but if you have other questions hit me up on Blue Sky!
Funny disclaimer: obviously I don't own the hit MMO (could you imagine?) but all the ideas here are my own, completely fictional, and not for the use of anyone else. Please do not steal my cool characters. Further, all the info on here not from the canon lore is made up by me, probably based on other Final Fantasy titles, and not meant to invalidate, or even relate to, anyone else's Warriors or headcanons. I'm adding this here on the slim yet possible chance that someone finds this and assumes I am attempting to discredit anyone else's character or that I see myself as an authority. To be clear, I am FAR too old for any drama, and I only care about my own funny characters.
A big shoutout to Kale Chips for having the tab code snippets, which saved me from having to learn JavaScript. I hate you, Java.
Background Image: Chen on Pixabay (with edits by me).