I love when Warriors have special classes - things from other Final Fantasy games, or things made up. They're a super cool way to combine jobs the character has canonically with their backstory or lore. Here are the "breakdowns" for all of my custom classes, aka what canon jobs make them. Maybe one day I will make fake job symbols for them. Wouldn't that be cool?
Originally I had the lore behind them written here too, but it felt redundant with the lore on all their pages. I'm still working on my site layout too, so for now it'll just be the job breakdowns on here.
Druid: Botanist and Sage
Assassin: Bard and Ninja
Priestess (WIP): White Mage, Paladin, and Dancer
Heritor: see separate page!
Elementalist: White Mage but Different
Hunter: Dragoon and Bard
Can I Have One?
Sure! Here are some cool words I considered using or found looking for titles.
Soothsinger, Valkyrie, Philosopher, Hexblade, Enchanter, Myrmidon, Scout, Magus