This page ties in directly with Rory Jylland. Please browse both for full lore!
Overview Geography The Gria Heritors Other x
The Seventh Shard was destroyed by the Ascians during the Seventh Umbral Calamity. Much has been lost, never again to be regained. Outlined here are the broad strokes of events which resulted in the end of the world.
Unrest and Innovation
In the Two Sister Continents, the first sign that something was amiss came not from the threat of war, but the absence of it. The Valendia Empire to the north-east retreated to its current borders, abandoning their preparations to invade Ordalia through Kthill. Reports soon came from spies and allies: Valendia still intended war, but had retreated to dedicate more personnel to their sudden advances in technology. Indeed, the reports were as terrifying as they were bizarre: not just new types of siege engines or weaponry, but also soaring towers newly built of unknown stone, new fabrics and weaves to channel aether or survive in the harshest weather, even new species being cross-bred and raised. The lack of origin was the strangest part: where had Valendia discovered this information?
Before the question could be answered, the bug of discovery had infested the Two Sisters. They built wonderful marvels, machines and automata never before seen. Rumours spread of great geniuses, marked by their black robes and secretive ways, and that to apprentice to one was to be gifted with vision beyond your years. Many sought to impress these elusive figures through their skills, and soon much of society fell away in favour of this grand technological revolution.
But these innovations were not the only change on the Seventh. Something else was happening - reports came in from around the world of dormant volcanoes erupting, catastrophic storms flooding coastlines, tremors felt for weeks, and hoards of insects and beasts prowling far beyond their borders. With these added troubles, the innovation race soon became violent, first with sabotage, then with murder, as all clamoured to be the one to come out on top and solve the new problems arising. And through these deaths, another startling change came to light. People would rapidly age upon death, regardless of their youth, and their aether and bodies would disappear into dust. Horrific stories of new humans spawning from drops of blood and severed limbs spread across the land. Pregnancies became shorter but the babies were born older, with twins and triplets becoming commonplace like never before. Overpopulation and death walked the world, hand in hand, feeding each other strength.
Changing the Past
By the time the aetherologists realized the connection between the plundering of natural resources, the rapid flow of aether, the natural disasters, and the blacked robed figures at the centre of the web, it was too late. The Seventh had entered a state of Astral activity, and there was no stopping it. Not, at least, in this time. But if someone could travel to their past and prevent the tragedy...
With the world hurtling towards its end, the nations banded together in their final race: to send a saviour back through time armed with the knowledge of their folly. A young Gifted Heritor was chosen for her ability to use her powers to preserve and share knowledge, as well as for her gift of prophecy and her studious nature. Indeed, Kamari Jylland was recommended by all her peers, friends, and even strangers as the perfect candidate. Unable to say no, Kamari soon found herself entering the time machine vessel that would see her sent back before Valendia retreated to find the black robed figures, end their influence, and guide the world on a better path.
It is yet another tragedy that these efforts were already known to the black robed figures, whose subtle touch became a closed fist as the vessel launched, dooming the Seventh to its fate. There would only be one survivor, hurtling not only through time, but space itself...
Much like the First, the Seventh shares the same basic geography as the Source, though the politics and borders vary greatly.
The continent of Loar was a small island off the coast of Ordalia. Composed of two nations with a fierce alliance, Loar maintained its independence despite numerous attempts to absorb it. Selkies had been the most prominent race on the island for hundreds of years, and it is oft considered their homeland. Loar is sometimes referred to as the "younger" sister of the two due to its size.
Loar is the equivalent of Vylbrand on the Source.
Galerria: the northern nation of Loar. Ruled by a Selkie monarchy and known for its extensive underground palaces and rich ore deposits (O'Ghomoro).
Targ: the southern nation of Loar. Ruled by a council of three who represent the Targ guilds: shipbuilding, agriculture, and fishing (La Noscea).
The continent of Ordalia was a large landmass, known for its expansive forest stretching through the interior. Divided into seven nations, it was often at war with itself, though more recent years have seen many conflicts put aside to address the impending invasion from the north. Ordalia is known as the "older" sister contient.
Ordalia is the equivalent of Aldenard on the Source.
Graszton: a Clavat stronghold, this desert boasts many oases and the largest population in Ordalia. Ruled by one of three great Houses in rotation (Thanalan and Paglth'an).
Aldanna: this swampy nation is sparsely populated for its size, and home to many strange occurences. A coalition of Yukes and Mysidi investigate its mysteries (Mor Dhona).
Zedlei: first of the three great forested nations. Zedlei is a land of scholars and contains the two greatest universities in all Ordalia, both of which are inside large, hollowed trees. Ancestral home of the Gria (The Black Shroud).
Flourgis: the second great forested nation. Second only to Graszton in population, Flourgis is a large, sprawling nation that thrives in the canopy as much as it does on solid ground. Ancestral home of the Mysidi (Coerthas).
Morabella: the final great forested nation, Morabella is the sole remnant of a once continent-wide Lilty empire. Its clear waters and soaring plateau are known worldwide for their beauty (Dravania and Idyllshire).
Tramdine: sacred homeland of the Helgas and a religious state, Tramdine does not involve itself in politics. The largest temple sits high on Mt. Bur-Omisace and is a famous pilgrimage site (Xelphatol).
Kthill: too arid for farming, the people of Kthill have long made a living off entertainment, including large gladiator arenas and concert venues (Gyr Abania).
Other Continents
The Valendia Empire: once a myriad of small, warring clans, the contient of Valendia was united a hundred years ago by The Mother, who used an army of automata to subject the others to her rule. Valendia is the equivalent of Ilsabard on the Source.
Kerwon: far to the east, the continent of Kerwon has little to do with the machinations of Valendia, or the goings-on of the Two Sisters. Ancestral home of the Rev. The equivalent of Othard on the Source.
The Gria
Gria are the Seventh's equivalent of the Source's Au Ra. The most notable difference is the small wings Gria sport on their backs.
About the Race
Originally hailing from the aether-rich land of Zedlei Forest, the Gria are now a common sight across Loar and Ordalia. Covered in scales and adorned with small wings to match their small stature, they appear to have inspired the tales of dragons, mythical creatures with immense aetheric and physical power. Although not mythical by any means, the Gria are known for their clans' expertise - the Cannol for aetherology, and the Mayhew for their physical prowess. While open to sharing their knowledge and power, there are some secrets the Gria keep close to their chests, and for this reason they see betrayal as the ultimate crime.
Cannol Clan
Though fewer in number than their sister clan, Cannol Gria are well regarded as scholars, as their written and oral records stretch further back than any other race. Many Cannol are also hailed as oracles and can seemingly predict the future, though their methods remain a mystery to outsiders.
Mayhew Clan
The more adventurous and populous clan, many Mayhew Gria have made a name for themselves as mercenaries, fighters, and entertainers. Their discipline and strict code of honour make them ideal bodyguards and friends - as long as you don't double-cross them. Word travels quickly amongst this energetic clan.
Gria Traits
Cannol have dark scales and wings, and cool-toned hair. Their tails are longer, ranging from knee-length to excessively long. Mayhew have light scales and wings, and warm-toned hair. Their tails are short, ranging from little stumps to knee-length.
Overall, Gria skintones run the full gambit of natural colours, along with pinks and reds. Both clans have a plethora of scales on their bodies, covering far more of themselves than their bare skin. Their leathery wings remain small through life, and they are only capable of flying short distances - for the most part, wings are used to enhance leaps and jumps, not to sustain flight or hover. Their eyes feature large, dark pupils, and thin rings of colour that glow.
Unlike Au Ra with their vast height differences, Gria are all small in stature regardless of their gender. Their average height is 4'8" to 5'5" (142-165cm), with the tallest Gria on record barely hitting 5'9" (175cm). Cannol scholars theorize this is in order to allow their wings to function, and that, if the Gria race grew much taller, their wings would become completely useless.
On the Seventh, the term for those blessed with the Echo was "Gifted". These Gifted realized that their shared power allowed them a unique opportunity to teach each other through it, and thus the art of the Heritor was born. Heritors are Gifted who manipulate aether around them to create powerful weapons or weave spells, taught entirely through the Echo and passed down from one generation to the next. Heritors have different 'modes', each named after the individual who perfected the technique in question, and swap between them to access those skills. This means they cannot access multiple 'modes' and abilities at once; for a Heritor, changing 'modes' is equivalent to changing 'job stones' on The Source.
It is important to note that while only Gifted can become Heritors, not all the skills they learn have to come from other Gifted. Indeed, so long as the Gifted in question was close to someone in life, or has access to a plethora of their experiences through the Echo, the skill can be refined and taught as a 'mode'. This meant that many Heritors would gravitate to places of importance, hoping to find individuals to study and skills to preserve, often without regard to the circumstances those skills were used in. This is also how the art avoided destruction: so long as another Gifted was born who could find a memory of a Heritor, another Heritor could be born.
The closest comparable job for each mode is listed in brackets at the end.
The Seventh
What Kamari brought with her from her home.
Ritz: a white-haired Mysidi duelist & Heritor whose rapier was as sharp as her tongue. She used her connection to the elements to devestate her foes (Red Mage).
Lezaford: known as the Runemaster, this Rev Gifted was one of the first Heritors. Though a powerful mage, he was best known for mapping the stars (Astrologian).
Babus: the loyal fey advisor to an ancient Lilty Prince. Their adorable apperance belied their sharp mind and tactical genius (Scholar).
Remedi: a Clavat Queen also known as 'The Mother' who created an army of aether-infused automata in order to take over the continent of Valendia (Summoner).
The First
Developed by Kamari on the First.
Theo: it is rare to meet a real life hero. Kamari is honoured to walk beside this Viera Warrior of Light and learn the power of song from him (Bard).
The Source
Developed by Kamari on the Source.
Fray: A spirit haunting every shadow in Ishgard that Kamari's Echo finds right away. Wielding a heavy blade in the name of justice, no matter the cost (Dark Knight).
Adelaide: idk what job this is yet but i can't skip Adelle the OG Heritor (Job)
Race Names
A comparative list of names on the Seventh versus the Source.
- Gria = Au Ra
- Clavat = Hyur
- Rev = Roegadyn
- Lilty = Lalafell
- Mysidi = Viera
- Helgas = Elezen
- Selkie = Miqo'te
- Yuke = Hrothgar
These are taken from other Ivalice titles and the Crystal Chronicles series, except Mysidi, which I took from the Mysidian Rabbit. I am well aware some of these line up better than others but until FFXIV introduces a race of ghost-bird people wearing helmets, there really won't be any proper comparison for Yukes, and I couldn't leave them out!